Publisher's Note

An entity identifying itself as “Inkn Rimes” communicated this material to me. I accept only extremely limited responsibility for it. Its provenance is unknown to me; I am ignorant of Nephilim.

I have broken the original ASCII file into shorter segments and formatted it in HTML; e.g., I have replaced _Book Title_ with Book Title.

I have not edited the text at all, even where it contains apparent errors. For example, I am puzzled by Baumont's use of “Before the Gregorian Calendar” -- the Reformed Gregorian Calendar was adopted by most European Roman Catholic countries in 1582 CE, so shouldn't the year 1 BGC be 1581 CE? I am, however, aware enough of esoteric matters to know that apparent solecisms often conceal important truths, so I have made no attempt to “correct” anything.

An Occult Bookshelf

seventeen monographs on various lesser known grimoires
by Charles Lamar Baumont.
Derived from a larger piece detailing sixty-some works.
Edited by Jenifer Leigh and Tanis Fane.

Table of Contents


[[Rarities are based on this equation:

0-5 quite common; for works of this ilk at least... Never get it from Amazon or Borders.
6-10 if you frequent odd bookstores or libraries, you'll find some of these...
11-15 these are very rare. many first editions of Lord Byron are still around?
16-20 less than two dozen exist; fragmented tomes. Aramaic, hand-copied Apostolic text.
21-25 perhaps a coven's dozen... an original Talmud.
26-29 The Fabled “Necronomicon.” Latin (26-28) or Greek (29).
30 An Al-Azif! No shit!
[33]+ a hand-scribed mythical text; Gabriel's first draft of The Koran.

[hummm...semi-legible Enochian scrawl...Contents?...Kabbalistic Lore (of a type), Astronomical Lore, Angelic Lore (Gabe got in trouble for this one i'm sure!), Higher Magick, Seals, Pentacles... ...Selenim Lore?].]]

[[There are several magickal ideas herein that may not have forthwith been considered by some. Gates is the Fourth Circle of Summoning. Magus is the Fourth Circle of Sorcery. Black Summoning and Necromancy are magicks within the Realm of Selenim. Oneiromancy is the magick of the Dream Realms (the Circles ascend - Lucidity, Influence, Entrance, and Prophecy), and The Dreaming Lore is the study of knowledges pertaining to those Realms. Dreaming Lores differ mostly in aspect to culture, but not very much so pertaining to internal “dreamlogic.” Thus, Alcheringa Lore is different from Mayan Lore only in what the Aboriginals do within the Dreamtime that the Mayans do not. However, the Dreamtime itself is most definitely the same. Blood Stone is a path of Alchemy involving sacrificial blood and its elemental bases; it is equivocal on levels to Black Stone. Few cultures ever possessed this knowledge, but amoung those that did, were the ancient Celts, Vikings, and, more notably to history, the Aztecs. There are other Circles imagined -- involving consuming blood and flesh, the semi-mythic cannibalistic peoples in Africa, Asia, and Pacifica -- but no known references exist. Perhaps fortunately... Far Eastern Magicks and the sorceries of the Native American Nations have not been unlocked yet by the present Editors. No works on those Traditions are contained herein. Un-fortunately...]]

Copyright © 1995, 2000 by Kirk Barrett.