Selenim Character Generation

The Sundering

The following is a brief outline of how to convert an existing Nephilim character into a Selenim.

STEP 1: Generate a Nephilim character. All Selenim once began as Nephilim - no exceptions.

STEP 2: Erase all Ka-elements, with the exception of Moon-Ka. Also erase all meta-characteristics and inscribed spells that are associated with those lost elements. Likewise, all Metamorphosis changes associated with these elements are lost and the Simulacrum’s appearance goes back to normal.

STEP 3: Convert Moon-Ka to an equal amount of Black Moon-Ka. The CHA meta-characteristic is retained, but Moon related inscribed spells are lost, are any Moon-related Metamorphisis changes. This bit of Black Moon-Ka will hereafter be referred to as the Selenim’s Core.

STEP 4: Replace Cha’we with Black Moon Pool (hereafter know simply as "Pool"). Add the values of the Selenim’s former Fire, Earth, Air and Water Ka - this will be the Selenim’s Maximum Pool. Reduce the Selenim’s Simulacrum’s Solar-Ka by one point and place this one point in the Selenim’s Pool.

(Note: In taking this point of Solar-Ka from its Simulacrum, the Selenim effectively destroys the human’s mind and takes over permanently; there is no risk of Shouit for the Selenim.)

All Nephilim skills and spells are retained (with the exception of any inscribed spells, which are lost), including all Sorcery, Summoning and Alchemy, though the Selenim no longer possesses the Ka-elements to cast any of these spells. Still, the theoretical knowledge is retained. All Simulacrum skills that were not "stolen" while it was a Nephilim are lost, for the Simulacrum’s mind has been destroyed. The Selenim’s Ka-vision becomes monochromatic like an Awakened human’s Ka-vision, and it gains the skill of Tenebrae at a base chance of Core x 2. The Tenebrae is a sort of aural Black Moon-Ka "vision", which allows it to "hear" the ebb and tide of the Black Moon fields.

(Note: The Tenebrae was originally known as "the Pavane" in the French manuscript.)


Existence Throughout Antiquity

The following is a brief outline for creating a history for Selenim that underwent the Sundering many years ago.

STEP 1: For each century of existence as a Selenim, add 5d6 points of Black Moon-Ka to the Core.

STEP 2: The maximum Pool size is always equal to Core x 2. The contents of the Pool may be determined using the following table:

Selenim Age Pool

Less than 100 years 3d20
100 to 200 years 4d20
201 to 300 years 1d100
301 to 400 years 1d100+1d10
401 to 500 years 1d100+2d10
Each +100 years +1d10

STEP 3: For each century of existence as a Selenim, 100 points may be distributed among skills appropriate to that period. The Selenim may increase Selenim magical techniques (Tenebrae, Necromancy - Communion and Command, Black Summoning - First, Second and Third Circles) using these points, spending up to Core x 5 as a maximum in each technique.

STEP 4: The Selenim receives 20 Aspect points and 3 Emotional Trait points for each century of existence. These may be applied to any of the Imago Aspects and Emotional Traits.



These are the basic rules for siphoning Solar-Ka from humans.

STEP 1: Find a human exhibiting the type of emotion that the Selenim prefers. Generally speaking, low level emotional states are not sufficient to provide the "flavor" of Solar-Ka that Selenim prefer.

STEP 2: The Selenim must see its victim and be near him or her (less than 5 meters away) to Assuage.

STEP 3: The Selenim rolls its total Black Moon-Ka (Core + current Pool) versus the Solar-Ka of the victim. If the victim is completely unknown, the chance is decreased by 20%.

STEP 4: If the Selenim succeeds, it automatically absorbs a number of Solar-Ka points equal to 10% of its current total Black Moon-Ka, always rounding to the nearest multiple of 10. For example, a Selenim with a total Black Moon-Ka of 30 steals 3 points of Solar-Ka from its victim, as would a Selenim with 26, or another with 35. However, a Selenim with a total of 36 Black Moon-Ka will absorb 4 points.

STEP 5: If the Selenim obtains a critical success, it absorbs an additional 1d6 points of Solar-Ka.

STEP 6: If the Selenim fails in the Black Moon-Ka vs. Solar-Ka roll, nothing happens.

STEP 7: If the Selenim fails critically (96-00), it infuses its victim 10% of its Black Moon-Ka, losing these points from its own Pool. This contamination has interesting and tragic consequences, which will not be detailed here.

OPTIONAL STEP 8: A Selenim may Assuage from multiple victims, but each victim must fall within the parameters outlined above (i.e. within 5 meters distance and within sight), and in addition, every victim must be sharing exactly the same emotion simultaneously. The total Solar-Ka drawn will still equal 10% of the Selenim’s Core + current Pool, and will be spread as evenly across all of the victims as possible.

If a human is reduced to 0 Solar-Ka he or she dies. The Solar-Ka stolen is sublimated and becomes Black Moon-Ka, and is added to the Pool. If the Pool is filled while Assuaging, the excess Black Moon-Ka passes out of the Selenim into its victim in a sort of feedback, contaminating the victim as described in Step 7.

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