Archived Nephilim fansites, articles, and house rules

Mailing List FAQ & Advanced Past Lives, by Liam Routt

Solar Magic Rules & Mailing List Archive, by Michael Caprio
Addenda: Shapechanging, Shamans and Temporary Incarnation.

Easy Character Creation & Digest Archive, by Frank Rafaelson
The Archive: Troy & Camelot, by Jeff James
Black Moon Rising, Elemental Creatures, & Miscellaneous Links, by Jim Lai
An Occult Bookshelf, by Inkn Rimes
The Old and the New, an adventure by Giles Williams
Omens and Portents in Nephilim, by Rick Neal
House Rules, by Shelby Babb

Semi-official: Notes for the canceled Selenim supplement, by Ian Young

Age of Aquarius
Liam Routt - Nephilim Index
The Nephile Vimana

Select Chaosium Digest issues

External links (English)
Nephilim - BRP Central - The Chaosium forums & files archive thereof
Discussion group for the Nephilim role-playing game (successor to the defunct Yahoo! Groups mailing list) & English discord server for the same
Shannon Appelcline's Web Page
Nephilim: Occult Roleplaying, by Jim Lai
sisensee's Nephilim campaign notes
Nephilim-Rebooted Wiki
Nephilim FATE Conversion - /project/multiplexer
Anthony Montgomery's blog
My personal blog for this RPG

French links
Addition of several game aid documents for Nephilim
Heritors of Babel fansite and downloads archive
Nephilim articles & downloads @sden and Ubik's forum
"Official" fan wiki parked at MultiSim's old domain
Adapted Rules d10
The Incunable Sovereignty, 3e fansite
Indexes and theories, fan-maintained
Nicolas Damour's alternative rules
Documents for Nephilim