My Nephilim Page

That's right, I play this lovely little game as well. But I've made SEVERAL changes. However, all of these have been made in a state of ignorance on my part. I KNOW that Nephilim mailing lists and web pages exist, but I tend to avoid them (too busy in too many games to focus on ALL of the mailing lists and web pages out there). I also admit that MANY of these rules will eventually be outdated due to new supplements from Chaosium and others.

Character Creation: A more balanced and realistic system to create characters.

Metamorphosis Effects: Largely outdated due to the revised rules for Metamorphosis as explained in future supplements, but I like these as well.

Ka Bonuses: A collection and expansion of rules given in the mainbook.

Arcanum Bonuses: We KNOW that the Arcanum give bonuses, I just decided to write up what they might be. Fairly intensive and accurate(I hope).

Changes to Magic: I like these. It helps let players "personalize" the magic better. I still need to expand on Alchemy a bit.

Changes to Shouit: Humans can have Solar-Ka's of 100? I don't think so. So, I came up with a different little table.

Selenim: Villains or scape-goats? These lovely little flesh-eating, magic vampires deserve to be explained and explored a bit more than the main rules do, so I gave it a try. I'm SURE these'll be outdated soon.

Alternative Campaign Settings: So far only one, and I admit that it's a rip-off of "Highlander", but in my defense it's a good rip-off and it's the ONLY rip-off of that film I've done in a game.